Ash Wednesday Lenten Devotion Distribution

Ash Wednesday Lenten Devotion Distribution

We will not be holding a traditional Ash Wednesday Worship Service this week. Instead, we invite you to mark the beginning of the Lenten Season at Heritage Church with a devotional called Lent in Plain Sight by Jill Duffey.

Stop by the church during office hours on Ash Wednesday (10 am to 2:30pm). A limited number of books were pre-ordered and will be available for pick up. If you would like to to donate towards the cost of the book, you can leave $9 behind in the basket. Alternatively, you can purchase a physical or electronic version online at

If you can not make it to church on Wednesday to pick up a copy and do not wish to order online, please contact Wendy to make alternative arrangements to receive a copy. In the interim, you can read the Ash Wednesday selection online while you wait for your hard copy:

In addition to enriching your personal Lenten meditations, it will be cool to know that while we can’t all safely be together yet, that many of us are working through the same daily devotional.

Lenten Devotion Book